🟦 Site with Ceremony & Marker 🟥 Site with Marker 🟨 Site with Ceremony ⬛ Unmarked Arrival Site

Open the arrival sites map in Google Maps

This page contains images, research, and resources related to documented Middle Passage arrival sites in the United States and its territories. Please refer to the map above and photo gallery below to see the list of these locations and the current status of each, including designations by the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor and UNESCO Routes of Enslaved Peoples Project.

Use the photo gallery “select tag” option to filter by state, designation, and/or marker & ceremony status. Click on a photo to enhance the image and reveal more information about the site, including address and date the marker was installed.

Markers at Documented Arrival Sites

Archives & Resources

In this section, we include primary and secondary resources, photos, and annotated bibliographies about documented arrival sites. Click through the links below and check back often as MPCPMP adds to this list regularly.

* Indicates marker installed






New Jersey

Puerto Rico


We would like to acknowledge Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database as our principal source for identifying these locations and thank Lynn Carlson, PhD, Brown University, for support developing the map.